Public Service Boards Seek SRC’s Job Group Grading Revision
Public Service Boards Seek SRC’s Job Group Grading Revision. The growing concerns raised by County Public Service Boards in relation to the grading of job groups by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC). Furthermore, Jared Kopiyo, Chairperson of the CPSB National Consultative Forum, candidly discloses that their rankings fall notably lower than those of certain county officials who should unequivocally be adhering to the directives set by these Boards.
At the core of this issue is the intricacy surrounding the salary and grading structure of County Public Service Board members and their leadership. This concern stands out prominently during the 9th Annual Convention of the County Public Service Boards National Consultative Forum, as Kopiyo stresses the urgent need for the SRC to address these long-standing grading discrepancies.
To vividly illustrate this matter, he rightly points out that county secretaries, a group functioning through the delegation of authority from the service boards, are graded significantly higher in the hierarchy compared to members of the County Public Service Board and its chairperson. This is an issue that has perplexed and troubled many for quite some time.
Kopiyo meticulously details the ongoing discussions with the SRC, indicating some incremental progress and even hints at the possibility of legal action. Simultaneously, the CPSB National Consultative Forum has embarked on a parallel legal process aimed at amicably resolving this matter.
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Furthermore, he underscores the readiness to take the matter to court should the out-of-court negotiations come to a halt. The one-week gathering in Mombasa thoughtfully brings together CPSB members and leaders from all 47 counties to deeply deliberate on the critical significance of their work. The theme of this year’s gathering is ‘The Role of County Public Service Boards in Advancing Good Corporate Governance for Sustainable Development.
Farida Abdhalla, Vice Chairperson of the CPSB National Consultative Forum, eloquently emphasizes the pivotal role played by the boards in ensuring the efficient and ethical management of public services in the counties. She underscores that corporate governance remains a cornerstone of public service institutions.
With unwavering dedication, she spotlights the forum’s relentless focus on ensuring transparency, accountability, and fairness in the complex domains of decision-making, resource allocation, and service provision. These are vital aspects, especially in a time marked by rapid change and heightened public expectations.
Throughout the convention, the boards rigorously explore various facets of corporate governance, discerning how it can significantly propel sustainable development within the counties. The intention is to deeply explore best practices, generously share experiences, and gain invaluable insights from the esteemed experts in the field during this forum.